
The One By: Angela Superfly

…if you are lucky enough to meet “The One”, you do not have to ask, “Is this The One?” You will know.
How many times have you met someone who touched your heart and you have asked, “Is this person, ”The One’?” This expression refers to “The One For Me”…. From the time we are able to desire a partner, most people seek The One, the person who is here to make them feel complete/happy. That person would be a lifetime partner, always there with unconditional love, compassion and understanding. The One is here to share your journey, through all of its detours, and to support your decisions as you evolve.  I want to connect with someone: Spiritual (pure consciousness connection), Physical (passion), Romantic (feeds the heart and fantasies), Emotional (understands and fills our many needs), Mental (growing together and sharing new choices/goals).
 You find The One when you find yourself, by healing and creating balance. The One refers to the Union of Self, finding balance, and high self esteem. The One is your soul, divided by the barriers of feeling naked and alone.
Through the years, who we are, and what we become, our personal needs and goals, changes. To find The One, who would compliment us throughout our journey, is certainly a challenge. At a given point in time we can meet a soul who compliments our journey at that point, but will it last?
We are genetically encoded to seek The One, the feeling growing stronger as consciousness evolves. The One, as your Twin Flame/Soul, is your opposite, yin / yang, the balance aspect of your soul who makes you feel complete and waits in higher frequency for soul reunion often guiding your path in third dimension. This reunion comes at Zero Point Merge when your consciousness returns to its natural state of light.
Live your life. Embrace the moment. Be kind and caring.  If The One for you is out there, and you are BOTH ready, you will attract each other by synchronicity, no other way.

Written By: Angela Superfly