
GOD HAILE SELASSIE The Agent of The ROTHSCHILD Trillionaire Family

Jewess Helena ( mother of Roman emperor ) cooked up the story that king Solomon’s wife Makeda was Ethiopian ( Queen of Sheba ) and their son Menelik took the ark of the covenant back to Ethiopia.. The truth is king Solomon’s mother was a Kerala Namboodiri woman named Bath Sheba.. Queen of Sheba was a Kerala Thiyya queen.. son Menelik brought the ARK OF THE COVENENT ( a black meteorite stone Shiva Lingam ) back to Calicut , my hometown from where it was stolen.. What was the need for Jewess Helena to convert Queen of Sheba into an Ethiopian?.. THIS WAS TO HIDE THE FACT THAT THE KING OF CALICUT OWNED JERUSALEM.. AND THAT KERALA THIYYA KINGS WERE THE ANCIENT RULERS OF EGYPT/ ETHIOPIA/ SUDAN. THAT THE CAPITAL OF THE ROMAN EMPEROR WAS SHIFTED FROM ROME TO ISTANBUL JUST TO CONVERT THE ROMAN ROYAL BLOODLINE AND SENATOR BLOODLINE FROM HINDU TO JEWISH. GERMAN JEW ROTHSCHILD HAS HIS OWN AGENDA.. HE CONVERTED EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA HAILE SELASSIE AS A DIRECT DESCENDANT OF MENALIK, THE SON OF KING SOLOMON AND QUEEN SHEBA .. SO THIS MAKES ETHIOPIAN EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE A JEW RIGHT?.. Haile Selassie ruled Ethiopia as Rothschild’s agent for 44 years – from 1930 AD to 1974 AD. poor Haile Selassie was overthrown in a 1974 by a military coup arranged by Jew Rothschild. Haile Selassie was murdered by Jew Rothschild on 27 August 1975 tied up to his bed and strangled.. ..reason? AFTER THE YOM KIPPUR WAR IN 1973, HAILE SELASSIE, UNDER PRESSURE FROM OTHER AFRICAN NATIONS LED BY EGYPT SEVERED DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH ISRAEL ..this was unacceptable to Jew Rothschild who had converted Haile Selassie to god and cooked up his royal lineage back to King Solomon’s son Menelik… Haile Selassie’s full title in office was “By the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elect of God”.. Baap Reh !.. After all Rothschild has caused Haile Selassie to be given precedence over other leaders at state events, such as the state funerals of John F. Kennedy and Charles de Gaulle, the summits of the Non-Aligned Movement, and the 1971 celebration of the 2,500 years of the Persian Empire etc. because he was god incarnate, right?.. Haile Selassie wore the Star of David on his crown.. Selassie had stayed at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1936.. In 1943 Haile Selassie allowed thousands of anal sex receiving white Jews fleeing Jew Hitler’s Germany. These white homosexual Jew were most happy to have a long black dick deep up their assholes.. Rothschild even converted Haile Selassie to be the messiah of the Rastafari sect. Rothschild made Jamaican Rastafarian Bob Marley a celebrity singer by the song “ non woman no cry”.. Rothschild got Haile Selassie face on TIME magazine cover twice.. Haile Selassie visited Jamaica on 21 April 1966, and Rothschild media whipped up such propaganda that approximately 115,000 curious Rastafari’s from all over Jamaica descended on Palisadoes airport in Kingston to greet him ..